Join Our Staff
Discover Church is looking for a passionate Jesus-follower to fill our open Next Generation Pastor position. This person must be a growing Christian who feels called to minister to children, youth, and college-age people. Looking for someone who wants to build a ministry through reaching the lost, disciple-making, team building, and communicating vision. Our church is in the heart of Wichita, Kansas, and has two elementary schools, one middle school, and a major college within a mile of our campus. If you are interested, please send your resume to [email protected]
Pastor D Burchfiel
Pastor D Burchfiel came to saving faith in Jesus Christ at age 15 and surrendered his life to full-time ministry soon after. Pastor D has served the Lord with his family for over twenty-five years. In 2017, Pastor D planted Discover Church with a core group of twenty-five amazing people. The church continues to grow and impact the Wichita community and the world. Pastor D is married to Kristi Burchfiel, Christian Author, and they have two children, Rebekah and Andrew.
Donna Clark
Donna works with our staff and teams to keep things running smoothly. Away From the office she loves to spend time with her children and grandchildren.
Robert Madrigal
Robby teaches an adult Sunday school class, helps with sound and media, and assists Pastor D in leading Discover Church. Away from church He enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 children. He also enjoys running 5k races, watching the KC Chiefs, and the Kansas Jayhawks.
Rachel Rowland
Rachel leads our children’s ministry. She helps teach children’s Sunday school, and leads VBS. She enjoys spending time with her son and her family.